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Penitentiary Service Fined for Video Recordings of Mikheil Saakashvili

The Personal Data Protection Service fined the Special Penitentiary Service 500 GEL for making video recordings of imprisoned former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

According to the service, the Special Penitentiary Service published the records of Mikheil Saakashvili’s stay at the Vivamedi clinic in December and February “in order to protect the public interest”, but when it published the episode of 9 August, in which Saakashvili’s eating episode can be seen, the Penitentiary Service “failed to ensure the proportionality of the principles of protection of personal data”.

The Personal Data Protection Service revealed other facts of the breach as well. In particular, the Penitentiary Service failed to clearly explain the “legal purpose” of the disclosure of this episode. In addition, information about video surveillance was provided to Saakashvili in violation of the law, and the records were kept without specifying the duration.

The Penitentiary Service was found to be in breach of the law for using video surveillance without warning signs and written notice to medical staff.

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