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U.S. State Department: Plot Allegations Mischaracterize the Goals of US Assistance to Georgia

During the daily press briefing on October 3, Principal Deputy Spokesman of the US State Department, Vedant Patel stated that the SSSG’s allegations against one of the USAID-funded projects were “false” and “fundamentally mischaracterize the goals of [US] assistance to Georgia,” echoing the US Embassy’s statement.

“As always, our assistance is transparent. And we will continue to support Georgian organizations that work to secure fundamental rights provided by the Georgian constitution and Georgia’s international commitments and obligations,” – he said.

During the briefing, Patel reiterated U.S. support for Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and for Georgia’s “democratic, prosperous, peaceful, and Euro-Atlantic future” and urged the government “to implement the necessary reforms to acquire the EU candidacy”, pledging U.S. government’s continued support in this endeavor.

In a statement released on October 2, the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) said three Serbian trainers, who were brought to Georgia to participate in a program funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), were actively recruiting activists with the intent of orchestrating the violent overthrow of Georgia’s lawfully elected government. SSSG said these trainers are affiliated with CANVAS – Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies.

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