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Georgian Citizen Released and Another Detained by Russian Occupying Force

On May 13, the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) reported that Giorgi Terashvili, who had been illegally detained by Russian occupation forces on May 11 near the village of Mejvriskhevi in the Gori municipality, had been released and is now safe within the territory controlled by the central government. However, on May 14, another Georgian citizen was illegally detained near the village of Nikozi, Gori municipality.

According to the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG), Terashvili’s release was facilitated through various channels, including the “hotline” mechanism of the EU Monitoring Mission, as well as other resources available to the central government. The Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions and international partners were promptly informed of the incident. These existing mechanisms have also been activated to secure the release of the recently detained person.

It is noted in the statements of the Service, that “the responsibility for all destructive acts committed in the occupied territories of Georgia and along the occupation line lies with the occupying power”.

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