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Moscow, Sokhumi Say EU is Pressuring Georgia

Grigory Karasin, a former diplomat representing Russia in informal talks with Georgia, and the Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova both criticized European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, for his position concerning the situation in Georgia.

Karasin accused Borrell of “crossing the limits of decency” and “putting pressure on Georgian citizens.”

In response to Karasin’s statement, Zakharova ironized that “Borrel declared that the law on foreign agents that caused protests in Tbilisi is incompatible with the values of the EU. It is now clear why the USA is not yet in the European Union – there this law has been in effect since 1938,” she wrote.

Borrell had previously declared that the law on foreign agents, which has caused protests in Tbilisi, is incompatible with the values of the EU.

Meanwhile, Inal Ardzinba, occupied Sokhumi’s top diplomat and former assistant at the Kremlin, has claimed that the United States will attempt to carry out a coup in Georgia in March. According to Ardzinba, the goal of this purported coup would be to launch a “second front” in the South Caucasus. He also stated before that the probability of war with Georgia is relatively high.

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