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Georgia Joins EU Declaration on Russia’s Bucha Atrocities

Georgia has aligned itself with the declaration by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Russian atrocities in Bucha and other Ukrainian towns.

The declaration by top EU diplomat Josep Borrell, dated April 4, states that “the Russian authorities are responsible for those atrocities, committed while they had effective control of the area. They are subject to the international law of occupation.”

“Haunting images of large numbers of civilian deaths and casualties, as well as destruction of civilian infrastructures show the true face of the brutal war of aggression Russia is waging against Ukraine and its people.”

The declaration asserted that the perpetrators of war crimes and other serious violations as well as the responsible government officials and military leaders will be held accountable.

“We fully support the investigation launched by the ICC Prosecutor into war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as the work of the OHCHR Commission of Inquiry,” the declaration added.

Along with Georgia, EU candidate countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, Ukraine, and Moldova aligned with this statement.

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