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Georgian, Ukrainian, Moldovan PMs Meet in Brussels

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili and his Ukrainian and Moldovan counterparts, Denys Shmyhal and Natalia Gavrilița, respectively, met today in Brussels, to discuss the upcoming EU Eastern Partnership Summit, slated for December 15.

The three officials touched upon their priorities and expectations in the context of the Summit, as reported by the Georgian Prime Minister’s press service. They highlighted that the three countries – the Associated Trio states – wish to have access to the European single market and enhance sectoral cooperation with the EU.

According to the same report, the Georgian PM noted that it is important for the Summit declaration to confirm support to Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, and reflect the country’s European aspirations.

PM Garibashvili also outlined as Georgia’s priority to further transportation and communication ties with the 27-member bloc.

The Prime Ministers of the Associated Trio will today hold meetings with European Council President Charles Michel, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Parliament President David Sassoli.

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