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PM Garibashvili Concludes Brussels Visit

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili concluded his March 15-17 visit to Brussels, during which he held a wide range of meetings with top representatives of the European Council, Commission and Parliament as well as NATO.

Summing up the trip, on the backdrop of the ongoing EU-mediated talks in Tbilisi, PM Garibashvili told Georgian media on March 17 that “absolutely everyone” he met advised Georgian parties to find a common ground so that political activities can continue in the Parliament.

“We are continuing the dialogue,” he highlighted, adding however that the statements made by the top EU officials “have ruled out any questions” about the legitimacy of the October 2020 general elections.

On the last day of the visit, the Georgian PM met European Parliament President David Sassoli, EP Committee on Foreign Affairs Chair David McAllister (EPP), Standing Rapporteur on Georgia MEP Sven Mikser (S&D), Chair of the Delegation for relations with the South Caucasus MEP Marina Kaljurand (S&D), as well as MEP Iratxe García, S&D Group President.

The EP President afterward said that the Georgian “people can count on us in this moment of political tension.” He highlighted that the Parliament supports all efforts to deescalate the situation, adding that stability is key for Georgia’s way forward.

MEP McAllister noted on his part the “deepening polarization” in Georgia is regrettable and concerning. “I call on all parties to step-up efforts to de-escalate the situation and to find solutions together,” he added.

In the meantime, as PM Garibashvili was finishing up his trip to the EU capital, yesterday, the Georgian Dream and the opposition parties sat down at a four-hour-long meeting mediated by the European Council President Charles Michel’s envoy Christian Danielsson. Talks are expected to continue today, as the parties have not yet reached an agreement, despite progress.

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