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Polls Open in Georgia’s Parliamentary Elections

3,657 polling stations opened at 08:00 on October 31 for Georgia’s parliamentary elections.

There are 3,526,023 voters eligible to cast a ballot in the elections, including 14,170 registered abroad, according to the Central Election Commission (CEC).

127 special polling stations are available for voters who are hospitalized, quarantined, or self-isolated due to the pandemic. According to CEC votes cast at these stations will be counted separately, by a special group.

On October 30, CEC approved the list of the isolated voters, with 10,845 voters who are hospitalized and isolated participating in the elections. According to the list, 3,695 voters are self-isolated, while 7,150 are either hospitalized or in special quarantine zones.

CEC said it will launch vote tabulation at 20:00 after polling stations are closed.

48 parties, 2 blocs and 490 majoritarian candidates, registered in 30 constituencies, are running in the elections.

After lengthy foreign mediated negotiations between the ruling Georgian Dream and opposition parties, the citizens of Georgia will elect 150-member parliament through a mixed electoral system with 120 deputies elected through proportional-party lists and 30 lawmakers elected as majoritarians from single-mandate constituencies.

Also today, by-elections of municipal halls are held in Telavi, Tetritskaro and Oni municipalities, while 26 candidates face off in the snap mayoral elections in Kaspi, Oni, Kharagauli, Terjola and Kutaisi municipalities.

Follow our Election Live Blog for more updates on the upcoming October 31 parliamentary elections.


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