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Anti-Occupation Movement Raises Concerns Over Alleged “New Occupation Plan”

Davit Katsarava, the leader of the anti-occupation movement Power is in Unity which regularly patrols the occupation line and reports on the situation on the ground, claims that the so-called new occupation plan is being prepared by the occupation forces for further occupation of Georgian territory. Katsarava says that his movement has been trying to draw the attention of the society to this issue since November, 2021.

“The new occupation plan envisages the occupation of additional 208 square kilometers,” – writes Katsarava. According to him, the Georgian territories included in the new “occupation plan” are in Zemo [Upper] Racha, Zemo [Upper] Imereti, Shida Kartli, and Mtskheta-Mtianeti.

Katsarava publishes images of maps, which are allegedly taken from a presentation by the occupying forces in November 2021. On these images, the village of Khurvaleti is shown as being entirely under the control of the Russian occupying forces, in the occupied part of Georgia. Currently, part of the village of Khurvaleti is already occupied, but another part remains under the state control.

Source: David Katsarava (fb)

According to Katsarava, on November 29, the occupying forces have allegedly conducted the military exercises near the village of Khurvaleti, 180 meters from the occupation line. “We believe that these exercises are related to the new occupation plan,” – writes Katsarava, adding that some stages of implementation of this plan have already begun. He accompanied this information with this video footage. asked the Georgian State Security Service to comment. The Service told that the armed men in the video were “deep inside the occupied territory”. The SSSG also said it would raise the issue at the Ergneti IPRM and Geneva International Discussions meetings..

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