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Kyiv Reiterates Demand to Treat Saakashvili in Multiprofile Clinic

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine expressed today its concerns about “the deteriorating health” of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, now a Ukrainian citizen, who is placed in Gldani prison hospital against his will.

The statement comes as Saakashvili temporarily lost his consciousness and collapsed after meeting with lawyers on November 18.

The Ukrainian MFA reiterated its appeal to the Georgian authorities to provide Saakashvili with “a proper medical care, in particular to transfer him to a multidisciplinary medical facility for emergency care.”

Saakashvili, chairman of the Executive Reform Committee of Ukraine, arrived secretly in Georgia in late September after 8 years in exile. He was arrested on October 1, on the eve of local elections and has been on hunger strike since. Originally held in Rustavi prison, he was forcibly transferred to Gldani prison hospital amid his deteriorating health on November 8.

Saakashvili said in light of ECHR interim measure, that he will call off his hunger strike if treated in a civilian hospital — a move denied by the Georgian Dream authorities, citing, among others, fears that supporters will “liberate” ex-President from a less protected civilian hospital.


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