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1,289 People Returned from Georgia Proper, Sokhumi Says

Moscow-backed Sokhumi authorities said 1,289 people have returned to Abkhazia from Georgia proper, using the resumed passage on Enguri crossing point from August 5 to 9.

During the fourth “humanitarian corridor” since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, Sokhumi permitted holders of Abkhaz ‘passports’ and residence permits to return to the region.

A total of 4,201 people have returned to Sokhumi-controlled territory from the rest of Georgia during the four humanitarian corridors.

The first passage was organized during May 26-31, which saw 532 persons returning to Abkhazia from Georgia proper. The second passage, arranged from June 22 to 24, saw 1,111 persons arriving in the occupied region. The third passage took place on July 13-17, with a total of 1,269 persons returning to the region from Tbilisi-controlled territory.

Fearing the coronavirus outbreak, Sokhumi first imposed travel restrictions with Georgia proper on February 27. On March 14, Sokhumi said the crossing point would remain closed until further notice in a bid to stem the spread of the virus.

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