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NewsWar Chronicle

Russo-Georgian War: August 6, 2008 draws on its archives and other sources to provide a daily recap of the events of the war. We start on August 1, 2008, amid the final stage of pre-war escalation, and will continue up to the occupation of Akhalgori Municipality by the Russian troops on August 16.

August 6:

  • Exchanges of fire reported, involving villages Avnevi, Dvani, Eredvi, Khetagurovo, Nuli, Prinevi, Ubiati, Zemo Prisi. Georgian peacekeepers’ post on the Sarabuki height comes under fire too, three Georgian peacekeepers wounded.
  • A number of the Russian Cossack leaders from various regions of Russia make statements, offering Eduard Kokoity’s authorities military support against Georgia. A Don Cossack leader Nikolai Kozitsin claims to have preliminary lists of volunteers for war with Georgia, enabling him to “send to war from 10 to 15 thousand volunteers, and these will be fighters with many years of military service experience.”
  • Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze’s visit to Moscow planned for August 10-11. Latest tensions to be on the agenda.
  • Tskhinvali rejects talks over de-escalation that had been planned for August 7.


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