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NewsWar Chronicle

Russo-Georgian War: August 11, 2008 draws on its archives and other sources to provide a daily recap of the events of the war. We start on August 1, 2008, amid the final stage of pre-war escalation, and will continue up to the occupation of Akhalgori Municipality by the Russian troops on August 16.

August 11:

  • During the UN Security Council session, U.S. ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad discloses that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that Georgia’s President Saakashvili “must go.” Khalilzad says “this is totally unacceptable; that crosses the line.”
  • Additional Russian forces keep entering eastern Georgia through the Roki Tunnel.
  • Between 00:20 and 03:30, Russian air force bombs Kodori Valley.
  • Between 02:45 and 03:20 the Russian air force bombs the territory of Khelvachauri District in Adjara.
  • Russian air force bombs a radar station in Tbilisi area and Shiraki airfield in Kakheti (eastern Georgia).
  • At 05:25, Russian air force bombs Gori.
  • At 07:10 Russian air force bombs Senaki and villages Ganmukhuri and Anaklia in Zugdidi district.
  • Groups of Russian forces concentrate on the eastern and western sides of river Liakhvi in Tskhinvali, in preparation to advance south in the direction of Gori.
  • At 10:30 the western group of Russian forces begins its southwards advance, the eastern group follows after 12:00.
  • By 11:00 Russian forces occupy the Patara Liakhvi valley, including the village of Eredvi.
  • By 12:00 Georgian police finish evacuation of the civilian population from the Kodori Valley.
  • Hundreds of civilians, having fled Georgian villages in the warzone, gather outside Tbilisi City Hall, hoping to get shelter.
  • At 14:30 the main force of the western Russian column is ambushed by the Georgian troops from the 22nd Battalion in the village of Zemo Khviti and halts its advance for the remainder of August 11. The forward part of the column has passed the road before the Georgian attack and keeps its southward movement.
  • Georgia agrees to the ceasefire proposal made by the French and Finnish Foreign Ministers, Bernard Kouchner and Alexander Stubb, respectively.
  • Around 16:00 a group of retreating Georgian troops is attacked by the forward part of the western Russian force near the village of Shindisi, causing heavy Georgian casualties.
  • Around 16:00 the eastern Russian force, moving southward along Liakhvi River, is attacked by the Georgian troops in the village of Meghvrekisi, halts its advance for the rest of the day.
  • By 17:00 Russian troops occupy the city of Zugdidi, take over most administrative buildings and present an ultimatum to the local police to surrender weapons.
  • At 19:00 a camp for internally displaced persons is set up in Tbilisi.
  • Russian air force attacks the Kodori Valley again at 19:05.
  • By 19:30 Russian troops enter the town of Senaki in western Georgia.
  • At 20:00 a Russian military column advances from Zugdidi district towards Khaishi village, creating a threat of encirclement for the Georgian forces in the Kodori Valley. The latter start to withdraw from the Valley.
  • Russian navy continues blockade of the Georgian coast, prevents cargo ships Castor and Asha from entering the Poti port.
  • Georgian forces are ordered to retreat from the Gori area towards Tbilisi in order to defend the capital. Georgian government asks for international intervention “to prevent the fall of Georgia,” says “Russia seems intent on overthrowing the democratically elected government of Georgia.”
  • The U.S. President George W. Bush makes a statement, says that Russian forces “are threatening Georgia’s capital of Tbilisi” and that “It now appears that an effort may be underway to depose [Georgia’s] duly elected government.”

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