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NewsWar Chronicle

Russo-Georgian War: August 10, 2008 draws on its archives and other sources to provide a daily recap of the events of the war. We start on August 1, 2008, amid the final stage of pre-war escalation, and will continue up to the occupation of Akhalgori Municipality by the Russian troops on August 16.

August 10

  • The influx of Russian troops and armor through the Roki Tunnel into Georgia continues during the night and early in the morning.
  • Senior UN official Edmond Mulet gives warning on the military operation against Tbilisi-controlled Kodori Valley in Abkhazia.
  • At 04:00, Russian troops occupy Didi Liakhvi valley. These forces belong to the 104th Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division, units of the Russian special forces, and Vostok Battalion
  • By 07:00 forces of the 503rd Motor Rifle Regiment start to enter Tskhinvali from the west by the Dzari road.
  • At 05:30 Russian air force bombs Vaziani and Baku-Supsa oil pipeline near Tbilisi.
  • Aircraft plant in the outskirts of Tbilisi is bombed by the Russian air force around 05:40. It is bombed again in the evening.
  • Throughout the day, from 06:00 to 22:10, Kodori Valley comes under numerous attacks by the Russian air force.
  • 7th Air Assault Division troops are transported to Abkhazia by both amphibious vessels and the recently repaired railroad. By 08:00 forces of the 31st Airborne Brigade (based in Ulyanovsk) are also sent to Abkhazia.
  • In the morning, Georgian leadership decides that continuing the battle against the incoming Russian forces in Tskhinvali area would decimate the Georgian army and leave the whole country defenseless as a result. Therefore, it is decided to retreat from the town.
  • By 10:30 Russian forces of the 42nd Division enter Tskhinvali from the north, having passed the road through Georgian villages in Didi Liakhvi valley. These 42nd Division forces include 70th and 71st Motor Rifle Regiments, 50th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, 417th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion and various support units.
  • In the morning, a battalion from the 234th Airborne Regiment of the 76th Air Assault Division also enters Tskhinvali from the north, after advancing from Java.
  • Around 11:00 Georgian police start to evacuate civilian population from Kodori Valley.
  • Naval blockade of Georgia is led by the Moskva missile cruiser.
  • Georgian government tells the people that the country’s statehood is in grave danger.
  • Russian-backed Sokhumi leader Sergei Bagapsh says he has sent 1 000 troops to Kodori Valley, adding that these actions are coordinated with Russia.
  • Ukraine warns Russia against using its Sevastopol base for naval operations against Georgia.
  • Village Knolevi, in Kareli district, is bombed by the Russian air force at 15:10, while Gori area is bombed again at 15:30.
  • Russian jets bomb Anaklia village in Zugdidi District at 15:40, and again at 16:20.
  • At 18:40 Russian air force bombs radar station of the civilian airport in Tbilisi.
  • 2 000 Georgian troops serving in Iraq have been brought back to Georgia.
  • Georgia tells Russia it has withdrawn forces from Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia, expresses readiness for immediate ceasefire.
  • Russia denies withdrawal of the Georgian troops.
  • During a call with the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov demands removal of Mikheil Saakashvili from his post of the Georgian President. Rice rejects the demand, and, despite Lavrov’s request to keep it secret, informs the U.S. partners and the UN Security Council.
  • At 22:30 Russian forces cross from Abkhazia into Zugdidi District through Enguri River bridge.
  • At 23:55 Russian jets bomb village Shavshvebi in Gori district.


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