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CSOs and Activists Joint Statement: Government Announced Repressions Against People

On April 30, representatives of civil society organizations and activists issued a joint statement in response to the counter-rally organized by Georgian Dream and Bidzina Ivanishvili’s speech on April 29. Noting that the speeches at the GD counter-rally were a clear indication that the government is planning a turn to Soviet-style totalitarian regime and repressions, they pledge to oppose this attempt accordingly.

“The Government has openly declared that with the adoption of the Russian law they are announcing repression against the people. They are announcing rigged elections, censorship, and a Soviet-style totalitarian regime. They declared that they see the West as the enemy, and the occupying country of our country, Russia, was not even mentioned in this context. Everyone clearly understood that the purpose of the adoption of the Russian law is not the notorious “transparency”, but the change of the country’s foreign policy and the completion of Russification”, – reads the statement.

NGO representatives and activists share their plans for future action and say they:

  • oppose the attempt to pass the law in the second reading and to show the government once again that “betraying the Constitution and rejecting the European Union with this Russian law will never be the choice of the Georgian people.”
  • call on the political parties to fulfill their duty to the people and to fight even harder against the Russian law in the parliament.
  • call on everyone, “every Georgian citizen who cares about the independence of the country, the Constitution and the European path of Georgia, to gather in front of the Parliament at 19:00”.

“We will keep an eye on how the government will act and we will act in accordance to the concurrent situation, in accordance with the return of the country to the constitutional framework and the declared will of the Georgian people,” – concludes the statement.

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