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Foreign Minister of France Visits Tbilisi

Catherine Colonna, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, arrived in Georgia on April 28 for an official visit. She met with her Georgian counterpart, Ilia Darchiashvili The meeting was followed by a joint press conference. Later, FM Colonna met with President Salome Zurabishvili and Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili. A French Foreign Minister last visited Georgia in 2018.

Meeting with the President

The Administration of the Georgian President reported that during the meeting, the French Foreign Minister spoke with Salome Zurabishvili about Georgia’s integration into the European Union and France’s support in this process. The President noted that “the visits of foreign ministers of our partner countries are very important at such an important time for Georgia. The country’s population unwaveringly supports the country’s integration into Europe, and the protests of March 7-8 were proof of that”.

The President also emphasized that “today Georgia is in the process of fulfilling the recommendations of the European Union, and for this moment, the geopolitical context is also very important – Georgia cannot accept a second refusal regarding the candidate status; it will be a message difficult to understand and [it will be] counterproductive.”

According to the President’s Administration, the sides also discussed regional security, including the security of the Black Sea. They noted that “Georgia plays an important role in developing new energy transit connections.” The President added, “if we look at the issue from a historical perspective, what was unthinkable a few years ago is now a reality, and Europe is already represented in the countries of the region.”

The FM Colonna reiterated her support for Georgia’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and European integration. She remarked, “it is heartening to see that the vast majority of the population is profoundly pro-European, and we see EU flags on the streets of Tbilisi.” She stressed that “Georgia’s European dream must become a reality.”

Meeting with the Prime Minister

According to the Government Administration, during the meeting, the discussion focused on bilateral relations, as well as the prospects for future cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral formats. It was noted that “Georgia appreciates France’s strong and effective support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, also its enormous effort toward the non-recognition of the occupied territories.” In addition, the importance of exchanging high-level visits between the two countries was emphasized.

The meeting also covered Georgia’s EU integration, stressing the significance of France’s support in this regard. The Administration notes that: “It was pointed out that Georgia continues promoting European values and interests, playing a constructive role toward ensuring security and stability in the region.” The importance of France’s support in granting Georgia the EU candidate country status this year was also highlighted.

Joint press conference with Georgia’s Foreign Minister

During the joint press conference after the meeting with the French Foreign Minister, Ilia Darchiashvili stressed the visit’s significance, saying that “it carries special importance considering several aspects. First of all, the visit echoes the existing multidimensional and close cooperation between Georgia and France. Furthermore, against the background of security challenges on the European continent and during this very important period for Georgia, the visit is proof of France’s outstanding friendship and an expression of strong political support”.

Darchiashvili noted that the strength of the relationship between Georgia and France is based on the two countries centuries-old historical connection and shared European values. He emphasized the significance of the high-level strategic format, the “Dimitri Amilakhvari Georgian-French dialogue” which “facilitates close cooperation in the fields of politics, defense, security, trade and economy, as well as education and culture” between the two countries.

Ilia Darchiashvili said that during the meeting, the colleagues discussed Georgia’s accession to the European Union. He emphasized that “Georgia’s aspiration and civilizational choice to become a member of the European Union is strong and expresses the unshakable will of the Georgian people.” The Minister expressed gratitude to the French side for its support for Georgia’s European integration and expressed hope that “France, as one of the leading countries in the European Union, will continue to consolidate its support for Georgia at all stages of the country’s accession to the European Union.”

FM Colonna stressed her country’s support for Georgia’s European integration and spoke about the importance of fulfilling the EU’s twelve conditions. She noted the importance of the fact that 85% of Georgians support EU integration and stressed that Georgia has a unique historic opportunity to join the EU.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry stated that during the face-to-face meeting, Ilia Darchiashvili informed his French counterpart of Georgia’s progress in meeting the 12 conditions set by the European Commission. He expressed hope that “Georgia’s progress and reforms carried out in various directions will be duly recognized, which will be reflected in the relevant decision on granting the country candidate status.” The meeting reaffirmed that “Georgia remains one of the European Union’s most important allies in the region.”

At the meeting, the sides discussed the multi-dimensional bilateral agenda between Georgia and France and plans for future cooperation. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of deepening trade and economic ties between Georgia and France, as well as strengthening cooperation in the field of energy. Ilia Darchiashvili also briefed his French colleague on the difficult situation as regards security, humanitarian issues, and human rights protection in the occupied territories of Georgia.

For her part, Catherine Colonna thanked her counterpart for the “warm welcome” and interest in the issues discussed at the meeting. She also noted that she wanted to meet with the representatives of civil society upon her arrival, because Georgia is lucky to have dynamic, serious and demanding organizations. And this is what France and Georgia have in common. According to her, “what we can do together is to work together to strengthen democracy.” The French Foreign Minister said that “we have to listen to each other, we have to listen to criticism in order to move forward.” She also emphasized that in a democratic society, inclusive work with civil society organizations always brings positive results.

Catherine Colonna also emphasized that she came to convey messages of support for Georgia, especially in the difficult international context. “With this visit, as well as with the relations we have with Georgia, we want to share with you our attitude towards your sovereignty, your territorial integrity.” She also focused on the war in Ukraine, saying that it did not start on February 24, 2022, but here in 2008. In this context, the Minister stressed that “Georgia can count on France’s solidarity.”

The French Minister noted that they also discussed Georgia’s EU candidate status. “When I arrived, I saw that there are a lot of EU flags in Tbilisi. As far as I know, there were rallies in the spring, and I also know that 85% of Georgians are in favor of Georgia joining the European Union. Georgia is united on this issue and in June unanimously declared that its future is in Europe. We want Georgia’s future to be European.”

She emphasized that this is a historic opportunity for Georgia and “we stand by Georgia to help it on this path.” In this context, the French Minister noted that progress is necessary, how the country should move forward, how it should obtain candidate status. In this regard, she stressed the importance of fulfilling the 12 priorities of the European Union and carrying out reforms that ensure freedom, protection of institutions from various influences, freedom of speech. “Only as a result of this will Georgia be able to join the European Union, because these are European values.”

Meeting with Representatives of CSOs

Catherine Colonna also met with the representatives of the Georgian civil society organizations. She tweeted that civil society is an “indispensable pillar of the Georgian democracy.”


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