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Government to Spend GEL 1.5 Mln to Purchase Generators for Ukraine

Georgia’s Ministry of Economy confirmed to on 16 December that they plan to spend GEL 1.5 (USD 738,933) million to purchase generators for Ukraine in the form of humanitarian aid.

The government’s decision followed a statement made on December 5 by Andrii Kasianov, Ukraine’s Charge d’affaires to Georgia, in which he stated that Ukraine had requested generators from the Georgian side one month prior but had not received a positive response.

The Georgian government first announced the decision on 9 December, asserting “our support [to Ukraine] has never stopped and the alarm caused by an idea as if certain requests registered in state agencies have not been considered is incomprehensible. All of these requests are being reviewed in great detail.”

Notably, Ukraine has been asking the international community for generators as Russia continues to target critical civilian infrastructure during the cold winter.


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