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Russia Says Ready to Restore Relations with Georgia

Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry (MID), Aleksandr Bikantov said in today’s press briefing that Moscow is ready to restore relations with Tbilisi “to the extent to which the Georgian side is ready for.”

Commenting on the 13th anniversary of the Russo-Georgian War of August 2008, Bikantov expressed hopes that “common sense will prevail in Tbilisi, and our Georgian partners will begin to build relations with neighbors, taking into account the balance of interests.”

The MID official described the recent supportive statement for Georgia by the United Nations Security Council members as “theses torn off reality.” He said it is high time for foreign “curators” of Tbilisi to “abandon the unpromising line of ‘reintegration’ of Abkhazia and South Ossetia into Georgia” and instead “encourage Tbilisi to establish and maintain an equal and mutually respectful dialogue with [Sokhumi] and Tskhinval[i].”

Claiming that Moscow’s cooperation with the Kremlin-backed Abkhaz and South Ossetian authorities as a “stabilizing factor in the South Caucasus,” the deputy spokesperson said Russia’s key objective in Geneva International Discussion is signing of agreements on non-use of force “between Georgia, on the one hand, and Abkhazia and South Ossetia, on the other.”

According to Bikantov, adopting such a document is gaining on relevance amid the course pursued by Tbilisi “towards accelerated Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as amid the involvement of this country in the U.S. and NATO plans to ‘contain’ Moscow.”

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