Q1’21 FDI USD 125.4 Mln, Down by 28.3%

Foreign direct investments (FDI) in Georgia amounted to USD 125.4 million in the first quarter of 2021, a 28.3% decrease from the same period of the previous year, according to the preliminary data released by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) on June 9.

Decreases in reinvestments and transfer of ownership of several companies from non-residents to residents were the key drivers of the decline, Geostat reported.

The United Kingdom remained the largest investor with USD 88.4 million in FDI, followed by Russia with USD 31.9 million and Turkey, with USD 24.5 million.

The rest of the large foreign investor countries were the Czech republic with USD 14.1 million, followed by the United Arab Emirates – USD 12.8 million; Denmark  – USD 10.5 million; Germany – USD 10.1 million; Japan – USD 7.4 million; the Marshall Islands  – USD 7.2 million; the Netherlands – USD 5.6 million.

The financial sector received the largest share of FDI – USD 93.9 million, followed by the energy sector – USD 35.5 million; manufacturing – USD 27.9 million; real estate – USD 24.4 million; health and social work – USD 12 million; hotels and restaurants – USD 2.2 million; construction –  USD 1.7 million.

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