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Former European Georgia Member Launches New Political Movement

Elene Khoshtaria, former leader of European Georgia party, who quit in December 2020, launched a new political movement “Droa!” (It’s time) aiming to “expose” possible corruption, nepotism, injustice and connections to Russia within the government and public offices.

Khoshtaria said on March 7 that Georgia is “losing piece by piece” its state institutions, claiming that the Prosecutor’s Office, police, the judiciary and State security Service are used for political ends by the ruling Georgian Dream party. In her first “Droa” video address, she also singled out persistent socio-economic hardships facing the Georgian population.

“The greatest evil is hopelessness,” Khostaria went on, adding that the “government propaganda constantly tries to convince us that corruption, poverty, lack of perspective and occupation is our fate and natural state of being.” According to Khoshtaria, her movement will focus on both Tbilisi and the central government, and the regions.

In an interview with RFE/RL’s Georgian service, Khoshtaria said leading a political movement, instead of a party, will enable them to cooperate with public organizations that steer clear of “party politics.”

Elene Khostaria left the EG in December, after the party came third with 3.79% in October 2020 general elections, far behind the ruling Georgian Dream and the UNM, major opposition party. In October elections, she ran for Tbilisi’s Vake single-mandate majoritarian district on the joint opposition ticket, garnering 35.55% of votes in the first round and refusing to participate in the second round.

Nonetheless, Khoshtaria was elected to the current Parliament through the EG’s proportional party list, but the party joined other opposition parties/blocs in the boycott, demanding revote.

An MP of 2016-2020 Parliament, Khoshtaria ran for Tbilisi Mayor in October 2017, scoring fourth with 7.11%. During 2016 parliamentary elections, Khoshtaria was among top candidates on the United National Movement’s party list, but she left the UNM together with other leaders to create EG in January 2017.

Earlier, she served as the first Deputy Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration in 2007-2012.


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