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Georgian Politicians Hail European Council Decision to Grant Georgia EU Candidate Status

On December 14, the European Council decided to grant Georgia EU candidate status. Georgian government representatives and politicians have welcomed the Council’s decision and congratulated Georgians on this historic decision.

The President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili called the decision “monumental milestone for Georgia”.

The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili thanked the European Council leader’s for “acknowledging Georgia’s civilizational choice”.

The Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili made a special statement and congratulated all of Georgia on the Council’s decision. He stated: “This is the decision that was granted to Georgia, which deserved it and worked and fought hard for it… I am glad that the European Council saw, appreciated and made a fair decision regarding Georgia. I would also like to congratulate Ukraine and Moldova on the decision to open accession talks… The European Union is clearly on the path of enlargement, and this is the path that Georgia has finally embarked on… The main political decision has already been taken today, the so-called window of opportunity that has been mentioned, this window has already been used by Georgia. Now there is work ahead, which consists of many stages, and I want to assure the population of Georgia that the Government of Georgia will be successful in passing all these stages”.

The Foreign Minister of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili proclaimed that Georgia “stand[s] ready to work together with our European friends and partners to bring our country to its ultimate goal – EU membership!”


The leader of the opposition United National Movement, Levan Khabeishvili, congratulated Georgia on the European Council’s decision and emphasised the contribution of now-imprisoned former president Mikheil Saakashvili to Georgia’s EU path. “The end of his political persecution is approaching and in European Georgia we will have no political prisoners held hostage by the Kremlin agents,” Khabeishvili said, adding that “we have a great battle ahead of us and I am sure that the Georgian people will carry this victory to the end.”

Giorgi Vashadze of opposition Strategy Aghmashenebeli congratulated to the people of Georgia, noting that “today is really a very big and historic day! Today is the day when the European Union made an unprecedented exception in relation to us – Georgia, which has no land connection with the European Union, received the status of a candidate for the European Union.” Vashadze added that the European Council’s decision is the merit of the struggle of the Georgian people.

Independent opposition MP Tamar Kordzaia congratulated Georgia and Ukraine which “opened this opportunity for everyone.” According to her, the status means more control of citizens over the government, economic progress, and higher standard in education, environmental protection as well as in social sphere. “This is a chance to move forward. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

According to another opposition MP, Khatuna Samnidze, “it is crucial to meet the expectations of fellow citizens, to contribute to the process and to start serious work on the European future. This means dialogue, constructive cooperation and arguing, but without hatred.”

Teona Akubardia, another opposition MP, also congratulated Georgia and promised to celebrate with the people, saying that “it is the celebration of Georgia and not of a single political party.”

According to Giorgi Gakharia, leader of the For Georgia party, “This is a victory of Georgia, people of Georgia! Especially of youth. This victory, of course, is dedicated to our ancestors who have fought for centuries and have paid the price by their lives for the purpose of our homeland to become a part of christian Europe!.” Gakharia believes the whole country should celebrate this achievement together.

MP Khatia Dekanoidze from the opposition parliamentary political group “Eurooptimists” said a “very important new phase has begun” and there is “very serious” work ahead in terms of depolarization and reforms.


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