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OSCE PA President Visits Georgia

On November 15, the newly appointed President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), Pia Kauma, arrived in Georgia. She met with the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, as well as the Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili, Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili, and visited the occupation line. Kauma also plans to meet with the opposition representatives.

Meeting with President Salome Zurabishvili

On November 16, the President of the OSCE PA also met with the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili. The meeting took place at the Orbeliani Palace.


According to the Presidential administration, the sides discussed the importance of the European Commission’s recommendation to grant Georgia EU candidate status and, in this context, the importance of continuing to strengthen democracy, the presidential administration said.

According to the President’s administration, Zurabishvili briefed the OSCE delegation on the details of the humanitarian situation in the occupied territories. In this context, Georgia’s European future was seen as an opportunity for the development for the people living in the occupied territories.

Strengthening of peace and security in the region was also discussed, including the involvement of European institutions in strengthening Black Sea security and regional stability.

Meeting with PM Irakli Garibashvili

During the meeting with the Prime Minister, Garibashvili congratulated Pia Kauma on her appointment as President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and expressed Georgia’s keen interest in continuing fruitful co-operation with the OSCE PA.


The parties discussed the upcoming 2023 parliamentary elections in Georgia. According to the Government Administration PM Garibashvili stressed that the Government of Georgia assigns special importance to holding transparent, free and fair elections in compliance with international standards and best democratic practices of Europe. According to the Prime Minister, Georgia stands ready to ensure the monitoring of the elections by representatives of various international organizations and institutions, including the OSCE PA. 

The issue of Georgia’s EU candidacy was also discussed during the meeting. PM Garibashvili emphasized the “historic importance” of the EC’s positive recommendation to grant Georgia candidate status. 

Garibashvili and Pia Kauma also discussed the current situation in the regions. Garibashvili stressed that Georgia has already taken steps towards facilitating communication among neighbors and stability within the region, and that Georgia remains committed to promoting peace and stability in the South Caucasus. 

The issue of the occupied territories was also discussed at the meeting. PM Garibashvili thanked the President of the OSCE PA for paying attention to the issue of peaceful settlement of the conflict in the region. 

Meeting with Speaker Shalva Papuashvili

After the meeting with the Parliament Speaker and Ms. Kauma held a joint briefing. Papuashvili congratulated Kauma on her election as OSCE PA President and hailed Georgia’s long-standing, productive cooperation with the OSCE PA, recognizing the importance of PA in promoting interparliamentary dialogue. 


Speaker Papuashvili recognized that OSCE “faces many challenges” due to the “Russian aggression in Ukraine” and confirmed Georgia’s “readiness to contribute to the effective functioning of the Organization.”

The parties also discussed the upcoming, 2024 parliamentary elections in Georgia. OSCE PA usually sends its representatives to observe the elections, alongside with OSCE/ODIHR, an election watchdog.

“I briefed Madam President on the news surrounding the election process,” Speaker Papuashvili said, “and reiterated Georgia’s readiness to continue the long-standing tradition of holding free, transparent and fair elections. We hope that our colleagues, including from the OSCE PA, will observe the 2024 parliamentary elections.”

The President of the OSCE PA congratulated Georgia on the positive news concerning its integration into the EU. President Pauma also touched upon the upcoming parliamentary elections in Georgia, expressing her anticipation of an invitation for OSCE to participate in the observation process.

OSCE PA President expressed her support for the country’s territorial integrity, and emphasized Georgia’s important role for regional stability.

Meeting with FM Ilia Darchiashvili

On November 15, the President of the OSCE PA also met with FM Ilia Darchiashvili. According to the MFA press release, the sides discussed the productive cooperation between Georgia and the OSCE PA. President Pauma emphasized that Georgia is a reliable partner of the OSCE and underlined the country’s active participation and contribution to the work of the organization.


The parties also discussed the regional situation in the South Caucasus, the Russian occupation and the steps taken within the context of the peace policy.

FM once again thanked the OSCE PA President for her visit and stressed that this very visit represents the clear message of OSCE’s support for Georgia. 

President Pauma congratulated the Minister on the European Commission’s historic decision to recommend Georgia’s EU candidacy, which has long been a wish of the Georgian people. 

Visit to the Occupation Line

During her visit to Georgia, the President of the OSCE PA also visited the Tskhinvali occupation line and personally assessed the situation on site. 

Kauma said the situation “seems calm”, but expressed concern for the local population. She reiterated that the OSCE PA’s way is to solve problems and crises peacefully and expressed her support for Georgia in this regard. She added that the OSCE PA will support Georgia with all the means and instruments at its disposal to resolve such situations.

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