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U.S. Ambassador Condemns Violence at Pride Festival, Stresses Reforms Needed on NATO Membership Path

Speaking to reporters on July 13 at the opening event of the State Agricultural Laboratory, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan condemned violent actions that occurred during the Pride Festival and reaffirmed support for Georgia’s NATO membership aspirations.

Ambassador Degnan expressed sadness and concern over the violent actions of individuals claiming to act in God’s name during the Pride Festival. She remarked: “It was very sad to see people so filled with hatred use violence to prevent a peaceful private concert… especially when they claim to be acting in the name of God.” Ambassador Degnan also emphasized the importance of compassion, love, tolerance, and respect as fundamental Christian values.

Despite assurances from senior Interior Ministry officials, Ambassador Kelly Degnan expressed disappointment that an unruly mob was allowed to march for several kilometers through the streets of Tbilisi, openly advocating violence.

The Ambassador noted: “We saw last year… that the police know how to protect citizens and control protesters” and expressed disappointment that this year protesters were not prevented from breaching the police perimeter, vandalizing property, and causing destruction.

She called for action and accountability, saying: “The same extremists that we saw on Saturday were the same extremists that organized the violence in 2021. They are, on their Facebook sites, on videos, advocating, calling for violence, saying that they’re gonna crush jaws and spill blood, walking through the streets of Tbilisi or threaten people with violence, and being proud to say they are for violence. I think everyone will feel a lot safer in Tbilisi when these people, who are on video, are arrested and prosecuted.”

Commenting on NATO Summit, Ambassador Degnan reaffirmed the Alliance’s support for Georgia and Ukraine’s membership aspirations as expressed at the Vilnius Summit. She emphasized the need for Georgia to implement the reforms necessary to join NATO, including judicial reform and strengthening democratic institutions. The Ambassador stated: “The steps that Georgia has to take to walk through that door have been clear for some time.” She emphasized that the reforms required for NATO membership aligned with those necessary for EU membership, adding: “We just need to see political will on the part of the Georgian government to do the reforms that are necessary. But the clear message from Vilnius is that the door is open for Georgia, and Allies want Georgia to be a member. That hasn’t changed at all.”

The Ambassador also noted that the Summit focused primarily on Russia’s war in Ukraine. She underscored the Allies’ unity and recommitment to supporting Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and other sovereign nations in their right to choose their own alliances and memberships. Ambassador Degnan reiterated that Russia’s attempts to undermine this right are unacceptable to the Allies. She concluded by saying: “Georgia has chosen to become a member of NATO, and NATO welcomes Georgia as a member as soon as Georgia does the reforms that it needs to do.”

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