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Georgian Citizen Released from Tskhinvali Prison

Lasha Khetereli, a Georgian citizen, has been released from year-long arbitrary detention by the Russian occupying forces of Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia, the State Security Service of Georgia (SSG) stated on June 17.

The SSG said it had been in continuous communication on Khetereli’s detention via the European Union Monitoring Mission-administered hotline, while Tbilisi regularly raised the issue on the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meetings, as well as the Geneva International Discussions (GID). 

Tskhinvali-based RES news agency reported that Khetereli was “handed over” to Tbilisi after the term of his “sentence” for “illegal” crossing of the dividing line expired. 

Khetereli was also detained arbitrarily previously, in August 2019, for crossing the occupation line and subsequently released in October 2019, according to Georgian media reports.

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