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U.S. Senators Call on Georgian Parties to Uphold April 19 Agreement

U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Chair of the Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) from the Republican Party, called on Georgian parties to uphold the new compromise document put forward by European Council President Charles Michel to solve Georgia’s political crisis.

“The agreement between the Georgian government and opposition party leaders is a significant step toward resolving the political crisis that has gripped the country for months,” Senator Risch stressed in an April 20 statement.

Senator Risch further noted that the agreement can put Georgia “back on its Euro-Atlantic trajectory,” while calling on both the ruling Georgian Dream party and the opposition “to uphold this agreement in both letter and spirit, and to rebuild political trust.”

“Georgia must turn the corner away from political prosecutions and toward building a strong and prosperous Georgia. This moves the country in that direction, but the United States, including Georgia’s friends in the U.S. Congress, will be paying close attention,” Senator Risch concluded.

In a joint letter of April 21, Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Ron Johnson welcomed the signing of the document between the Georgian parties, stressing that the agreement “is a step toward the greater pursuit of a vibrant and fully functioning democracy.”

The Senators also underscored the importance of the agreement’s implementation, while calling on all sides to come together “for the benefit of the country.”

“We stand ready to help the government of Georgia and its people to build a country that serves the needs of its citizens and ensures transparency and accountability moving forward,” the statement said.


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