President Michel to Visit Georgia Tomorrow

Addressing Georgian politicians that had signed the new EU proposal to end the months-long political crisis, European Council President Charles Michel announced via videoconference he will arrive in Georgia tomorrow, on April 20.

According to President Michel, he will be visiting the country “in order to meet all of you, to express also a signal of confidence, and to discuss with you how we will take more steps together in order to strengthen ties between Georgia and the European Union.”

Noting that “political crisis is over,” President Michel said, “this agreement is not the finish line, this agreement is the starting point, the starting point for your work towards consolidating Georgia’s democracy, and your work to take Georgia forward to its Euro-Atlantic future.”

“To those, who have not signed… I’d like to urge you to consider joining in the interest of Georgia’s inclusive, multi-party democratic future,” he addressed the United National Movement and European Georgia parties that are refusing to sign the document proposed by him.

The 27-member bloc leader said the agreement is important in particular against the backdrop of the difficult regional context, naming recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, and “military buildup” along the Russia-Ukrainian border.

“The way you have addressed stalemate is particularly crucial in this regional context, it’s truly European way of resolving the crisis,” he added.

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