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Audit Office on Campaign Donations, Ads

According to the State Audit Office, an independent body in charge of the political finance monitoring, in the period from September 1 to September 21, political parties and independent majoritarian candidates secured donations totaling GEL 9,773,788 (USD 3,000,000).

The Audit Office reported that during the period, out of the 61 parties that were audited, 32 did not receive any donations, neither did 4 out of 9 independent majoritarian candidates.

The ruling Georgian Dream party received the largest amount of donations, some GEL 5,336,450 (USD 1,600,000), which amounted to roughly 55% of total donations.

Regarding the opposition parties, according to the State Audit Office, Lelo for Georgia, founded by banker-turned-politician Mamuka Khazaradze raised some GEL 1,019,154 (USD 317,000), 11% of the total sum of donations. Strategy Aghmashenebeli closely followed Lelo, with GEL 959,879 (USD 300,000) raised, amounting to 10%.

According to the State Audit Office, out of the Parliamentary opposition parties, European Georgia raised the largest amount, GEL 694,261 (USD 216,000) which came in at 7% of the total amount raised. Kremlin-friendly Alliance of Patriots party raised GEL 486,500 (USD 151,000), while former ruling party of the United National Movement received 450,419 (USD 140,000), 5% and 4.6% of total donations, respectively.

Georgian Dream, Lelo for Georgia, Strategy Aghmashenebeli, European Georgia, Alliance of Patriots and United National Movement raised 92% of all campaign donations, while GD and UNM were the only parties that received donations from legal entities during the September 1-21 period.

Campaign Ads

Overall, GEL 6,369,113 (USD 1,900,000) was spent by political parties and independent majoritarian candidates on campaign advertisements, according to the State Audit Office data.

Georgian Dream spent the largest amount of money on campaign ads, some GEL 3,197,851 (USD 990,000), 50% of the total amount spent. Strategy Aghmashenebeli came in second with GEL 913,272 (USD 285,000), 14 % of all advertisement expenses, followed by Lelo, which spent 10% – GEL 667,286 (USD 200,000).

Parliamentary opposition parties European Georgia, Alliance of Patriots, and UNM spent GEL 539,905 (USD 168,000), GEL 473,351 (USD 148,000) and GEL 188, 088 (USD 59,000) respectively, corresponding to roughly 8%, 7% and 3% of overall ad expenditures, respectively.

Georgian Dream, Lelo for Georgia, Strategy Aghmashenebeli, European Georgia, Alliance of Patriots and United National Movement, similarly to donations, spent 94% of the total amount of money spent on campaign advertisements, with only GD and Strategy Aghmashenebeli opting for paid TV advertisements.

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