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2018 FDI USD 1.26 bln – Adjusted Data

2018 FDI USD 1.26 bln – Adjusted Data

Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Georgia reached USD 1.26 billion in 2018, which is 35.5% decrease compared to the previous year, according to the adjusted data released by the National Statistics Office of Georgia, Geostat, on August 15.

FDI and reinvestments in Georgia in 2013-2018 (in million US dollars). Source:

The financial sector received the largest share of FDI – USD 270.7 million, followed by construction – USD 173 million; transport – USD 163 million; manufacturing – USD 140 million; real estate – USD 131.4 million; energy sector – USD 120.8 million; hotels and restaurants – USD 77.8 million; mining – USD 62.2 million; other sectors – USD 126.3 million.

FDI by major economic sectors in Georgia in 2018 (%). Source:

In 2018, most of the FDI came from Azerbaijan – USD 246.4 million. USD 208.4 million, USD 178.8 million and USD 102.6 million came from companies registered in Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States, respectively, followed by China – USD 75.7 million; Czech Republic – USD 75 million; Panama – USD 74.6 million; Russia – USD 69.7 million; Luxemburg – USD 50.1 million; Turkey – USD 49.6 million; other countries – USD 134.3 million. 

Source: Geostat

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