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EUMM on S.Ossetia ‘Borderization’

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) said in a statement on November 9 that “borderization activities” along the occupation line, “affect stability as well as the rights of people in the area.”

According to EUMM, “a total of nearly 400 meters of new fencing works, running alongside the Administrative Boundary Line with South Ossetia, have been observed by EUMM patrols in the area.”

“Regrettably, such infrastructure creates additional obstacles for freedom of movement – and potentially the livelihoods – of the local population living on both sides of the ABL,” EUMM said.

EUMM as co-facilitator “urges for a swift resumption” of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism format and calls on “relevant security actors to avoid any further steps that could increase tensions.”

It also stresses that “in line with its mandate the Mission keeps EU institutions and EU member states updated with an accurate and timely picture of the situation on the ground.”

According to the “security service” of the Moscow-backed Tskhinvali authorities, the works for installation of “barrier fences” were renewed close to the Balta village in Znauri district, west of Tskhinvali on November 1. However, on the same day, the State Security Service, Georgia’s domestic intelligence service, confirmed that “illegal borderization” was underway near Atotsi village.

United States and United Kingdom have also denounced launching of works to erect barbed wire fences close to the Atotsi village in the Kareli municipality, in southwest from Tskhinvali, aimed at marking the occupation line with artificial barriers.


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