
Parliament Speaker Presents Homophobic Legislation

On June 4, the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, announced that the ruling Georgian Dream party would today register the package of laws on the “Protection of Family Values and Minors”. According to him, the package includes the core legislation and 18 related amendments to various laws of Georgia, including in the laws on labor and education.

  • The proposed legislation would ban the “alternative” form of marriage and prevent “those who identify as different from their sex” and non-heterosexual people, including singles, from adopting a child;
  • Speaker Papuashvili went on to say that the bill will also prevent the identification of a person’s sex as “different from their gender” in documents issued by the state;
  • According to the Speaker, the Parliament will also ban gender reassignment surgery or other types of medical manipulations;
  • In addition, it will not be allowed to conduct “LGBT propaganda” in educational institutions, in particular, the dissemination of such information which is “aimed at promoting belonging to the opposite sex, same-sex relations or incest”;
  • It will not be allowed for the station to broadcast information aimed at “promoting the identification of a person with a different sex, same-sex relations or incest.” Papuashvili said: “This prohibition applies only to the extent that it is not permissible to broadcast scenes depicting intimate relations between representatives of the same sex or scenes of incest.”
  • Advertising of the same content is also prohibited;
  • Gatherings and demonstrations are prohibited if their purpose is “to promote” a person’s identification with a gender “other than their own,” same-sex relationships, or incest;
  • “An obligation imposed within the framework of labor relations, which is aimed at disregarding biological sex, will be void,” he added.

Papuashvili said that the legislative package will go through the first hearing in the spring parliamentary session and will be finally adopted in the fall session of the Parliament. He said that those who wish to do so will have the time to participate in the discussions on the proposal.

During the presentation of the proposal, he referred to the May 17 celebration of the Day of Purity of the Family and Respect for Parents, claiming that hundreds of thousands of people across Georgia celebrated in the streets and that it was a “public referendum”.

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