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Eleven Detained During March on Chavchavadze Avenue

Eleven people were detained on May 9 on Chavchavadze Avenue, where police confronted protesters marching after the controversial arrest of military blogger and activist Ucha Abashidze, the Interior Ministry told on May 10. Five of them have already been released on parole.

According to the MIA, the investigation was opened under the administrative charges of petty hooliganism (Article 166) and disobeying a lawful order of a police officer (Article 173).

Last night, May 9, violent arrests took place on Chavchavadze Avenue. Videos show protesters, including women, being forcibly dragged into police cars.

Meanwhile, two more opposition politicians were beaten by violent groups the same night in the capital, Tbilisi. Earlier, on May 8, three opposition politicians and civic activists were physically assaulted and beaten as part of the orchestrated campaign of terror and intimidation being waged against civic activists and opposition politicians for their opposition to the foreign agents law. The MIA has yet to issue a statement on whether the MIA has opened investigations against those responsible for the attacks.


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