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Coalition of 12 CSOs Assess Implementation of EU’s Nine Conditions

On April 11, the coalition of twelve local civil society organizations presented the interim report “Status Meter,” which assesses the Government’s progress in implementing the nine conditions set for Georgia by the European Commission. The CSOs say Government has not taken any “serious steps” in the past five months to meet the nine conditions and point out only the “slight progress” in the implementation of the second step: Georgia’s alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the seventh step: the fight against organized crime and corruption. The remaining seven steps, according to the CSOs are still unfulfilled.

The event was attended by local politicians, the diplomatic corps, including EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński, and other relevant stakeholders.

“It is unfortunate that the Government does not have the political will to fulfill the nine steps, which is once again confirmed by its attempt to adopt the Russian law that blocks Georgia’s path to the EU,” the CSOs noted.

In his opening remarks at the event EU Ambassador Herczyński said that “time is running out” for the country to implement the EC conditions. Ambassador Herczyński noted that the EU has already begun drafting the next Enlargement Report, which will be published in the fall and will recommend whether or not the EU should open accession negotiations with Georgia.

“Ultimately, it is up to you – all Georgians to decide which direction you want your country to go. I truly hope that the political leaders in Georgia will adopt and implement reforms that are in line with the stated objective of joining the European Union, which is supported by a large majority of Georgia’s citizens,” EU Ambassador said.

The participants of the meeting also commented on the issue of implementing the nine steps with journalists:

Nino Dolidze, Executive Director of ISFED: “The Georgian Parliament has adopted changes in the composition of the CEC, which, as we have said, are not in line with the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIR and the Venice Commission… No steps have been taken to ensure adequate representation [in the elections], either in terms of the electoral barrier or in terms of taking further steps for the participation of emigrants [in the elections].”

Nazi Janezashvili, Director of Courtwatch: “In the sixth condition, one of the important issues is to implement the institutional reform of the High Council of Justice, which has not yet been implemented, neither have any steps been taken in this direction. Also, one of the important issues is to strengthen the individual independence of judges; however, there are also problems in this direction and the practice suggests a completely different reality… The integrity of judges appointed to high positions should be checked and, of course, serious reforms should start with this [issue].”

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