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Biden Administration Requests USD 117 Million Aid for Georgia in 2025

The fiscal year 2025 budget project by U.S. President Joe Biden’s Administration for the Department of State and USAID envisages USD 116.5 million in assistance to Georgia through multiple programs.

The largest portion of this amount, USD 80 million, is requested to be disbursed to Georgia under Assistance to Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia, making it the second largest potential recipient in the Europe/Eurasia region after Ukraine (USD 250 million).

In the 2023 budget, USD 88 million was requested for Georgia under the Assistance to Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia. According to the 2025 budget request document, an estimated USD 85.4 million was allocated for the country. PM Irakli Kobakhidze was asked to comment on why this funding might have been reduced. At first Kobakhidze said he could not comment on the issue, since the U.S. side decides on the allocation of funds. However, he then added that “a very large part of these funds are directed to CSOs,” claiming that “the CSOs have disappointed the U.S.” and that “perhaps this has become the reason for the reduction of funds.

In addition, Georgia is requested to receive USD 25 million under Foreign Military Finance (FMF) fund, remaining the second largest recipient after Ukraine (USD 94.6 million). Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are requested to receive USD 9.75 million each.

Further, International Military Education and Training (IMET) projects USD 1.75 million for the country.

Georgia is also set to receive USD 3.25 million through Global Health Programs – USAID. The budget draft also envisages a further USD 4.4 million for Georgia through International Narcotics and Law Enforcement funding.

Under Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Programs, Georgia is requested to receive USD 1 million, and USD 1.1 million specifically through Conventional Weapons Destruction.

Georgia Priorities Listed

The explanatory note of the draft budget says that the Fiscal Year 2025 request maintains “high levels of support for Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and the Western Balkans, while also supporting the democratic aspirations of the Belarusian people.”

The USD 80 million to Georgia under Assistance to Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia aims to support the country’s democratic and economic development, advance its Euro-Atlantic integration, and “build resilience against malign influence.”

“Funding will help strengthen institutional checks and balances and the rule of law; support efforts led by Georgian civil society to advance democratic and economic development; improve access to independent, reliable, and balanced media; promote political pluralism.”

The note also stresses that the aid is aimed to support “reconciliation efforts including in Abkhazia and South Ossetia; increase energy security and advance clear energy; promote reforms necessary to foster economic development and diversification; advance digitalization and strengthen cyber security and resilience; expand private-sector competitiveness and agricultural productivity; and help Georgia to attract foreign investment.”

“Border security and anti-corruption initiatives will strengthen institutional capacity, public accountability, internal control and oversight, and integrity across the government,” the note adds.

The note for International Military Education and Training (IMET) says the funding’s “priority recipients may include Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, and Ukraine.”

“IMET serves as an effective and efficient means to strengthen military alliances and international coalitions critical to U.S. national security goals and regional stability.”

The Foreign Military Financing (FMF) explanatory note also includes Georgia among the priority recipient countries “at significant risk from Russian aggression or malign influence”. In addition to Georgia, other priority countries include Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

“As the regional landscape rapidly changes in large part due to Russia’s 2022 full scale invasion of Ukraine, the strategic security priorities remain steadfast: to counter Russian aggression and influence by bolstering Allies’ and partners’ capabilities to defend their territorial integrity and sovereignty, provide for their own defense through improved interoperability with a resolute NATO and other Western forces, the creation of force multipliers in the region, and the implementation of sustainable defense reforms.”

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