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“This is Positive and Welcome”-PM on Restoration of Visa-Free Travel and Flights to Russia

“From a humanitarian point of view.. anything and any decision that facilitates the life, movement and business of our citizens is, of course, positive and welcome,”- Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said on May 11, assessing Moscow’s decision to lift the visa regime with Georgia and restore direct flights.

The Prime Minister reiterated that “one million ethnic Georgians live in Russia”, with family members and relatives in Georgia. He emphasized the importance of facilitating their movement and the arrival of their relatives. “This is a positive fact and a positive decision,” he said. The restoration of direct flights with Russia will not only remove huge inconvenience and expense for Georgian citizens but it will also be “a small component, a detail, not – the main part” in trade and economic relations.

Garibashvili emphasized that Georgia has established trade and economic relations with Russia under the current Government’s leadership, noting that the previous Government “was doing everything” to achieve this goal. The Prime Minister mentioned that several countries, such as China, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Israel, have authorized direct flights with Russia, emphasizing the importance of clarifying this fact to avoid misleading the public.

Regarding Moscow’s decision to abolish the visa regime with Georgia, the Prime Minister emphasized that Ukraine had visa-free travel with Russia before Georgia, and Moldova still has it today. “We also remind you that Moldova is a member of the CIS,” – the Prime Minister added.

In addition, he stated his intention to remind the public that the UNM unilaterally abolished the visa-free regime without any justification after the Russia-Georgia war in August 2008, instead of formulating an intelligent policy and presenting their position. “You remember that [former President Mikheil Saakashvili] used to meet Russian tourists personally,” – he added.

“What the EU trades in 4 days, we trade in 1 year”

Prime Minister Garibashvili also responded to the skepticism of Western partners regarding the restoration of flights with Russia and the lifting of the visa regime, saying that Georgia’s trade with Russia is about 1 billion US dollars, and this is against the background that, according to him, “the European Union, which not approve these flights, trade and economy with Russia, still trades with Russia, and what the European Union trades in 4 days, we trade in 1 year”.

He also emphasized that after the August war, in which people died and territories were lost in Georgia, nothing was revised by anyone and the policy continued as it was. In this context, the prime minister noted that the European Union had purchased goods worth $2.5 trillion from Russia. He said this showed that when Georgia was occupied and at war, no one took action, and “we had to endure it.”

“Today, I understand, we sympathize with Ukraine and Ukrainians, I really want and we all want this tragedy to end soon, because of this, apparently, we must go down with them, be destroyed, there must be a war, there must be a second front, our cities must be bombed, flattened, turned into shooting grounds; and our people should not be allowed to breathe?! Where is the logic?! When I ask our European, Western friends that this is what you are telling me, stop trade, economy, do not resume flights, why don’t you do it?! Why don’t you stop the trade?” – said Irakli Garibashvili.

According to the Prime Minister, the next demand will probably be that we do not allow tourists into the country. “I think our people understand everything very well. We want peace, stability, prosperity and reunification of our country. This is the main goal. There will be many attempts on this road, but I believe that with the help of God, we will pass this road calmly and lead the country to peace”, he emphasized.

“If someone did not like the appointment of flights from Russia or the visa-free regime, they can open other flights, direct flights from America, open the visa-free regime for our citizens in America, other countries, China, etc.,” – stated Irakli Garibashvili.

The Prime Minister also stressed that since 2012, the Georgian Dream government has been implementing “national interests and policies necessary for our country and people, this is a reasonable and pragmatic policy of strategic patience, the ultimate goal of which is the unification of our country.” “We have an interest and a duty to grow stronger as a national, sovereign, independent state, and not limited in sovereignty,” he added.


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