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PACE Co-rapporteurs Call on Parties to Enter Parliament

The co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the monitoring of Georgia, Titus Corlatean (Romania, SOC) and Claude Kern (France, ALDE), called on the opposition to accept the parliamentary seats “for the sake of Georgia’s democratic consolidation.”

In the statement released on November 23, the co-rapporteurs stressed that the only appropriate platform for political debates is the parliament, noting that as a result of the elections, a strong opposition can ensure proper oversight.

Despite supporting the assessment of the October 31 parliamentary elections by the International Election Observation Mission, the co-rapporteurs highlighted a number of persistent irregularities, including “abuse of administrative resources and pressure on voters and party activists.”

“The shortcomings noted by the observers need to be fully addressed. The new parliament has an important role to play in this,” the statement concluded.

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