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NewsPresidentials 2018

Early Voting Held for Georgian Troops in Afghanistan

Georgian troops serving in the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan were the first voters to cast ballot in the presidential elections on October 25, three days before the polling stations will open in Georgia.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has not yet released the information on how many ballots were cast in the early voting. The CEC said the number of eligible voters stood at – 875.

According to the Ministry of Defense, two polling stations were opened during the early voting – one at the Bagram air field for troops from the 2nd infantry brigade’s 22nd battalion, and another one at the Camp Marmal in Mazar-i-Sharif for the reinforced company of the 2nd infantry brigade. A mobile ballot box was used for a company size unit, deployed in Kabul.

Votes cast in Afghanistan will be counted only after polling stations will close in Georgia on October 28.

Early voting for Georgian troops stationed in Afghanistan is a usual practice, which was also applied in several previous elections.

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