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SSSG Warns of “Foreign Funded Provocations” During Rallies Against Agents’ Bill

On May 8, the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) issued a long statement warning of “provocations” planned during the rallies near the Parliament and conspiracies allegedly involving Georgian fighters in Ukraine. Without providing any evidence, the SSSG also said that protesters are planning violent attacks on riot police and “staged” refusals by police officers to obey orders.

The SSSG warned that “certain groups of people,” organized by leaders of parliamentary and non-parliamentary political parties and heads of non-governmental organizations “funded from abroad”, are allegedly trying to block and paralyze the Parliament, state administration, and other state buildings and to turn the rallies violent with the help of Georgian fighters fighting in Ukraine, who have allegedly expressed their interest in returning to Georgia and attacking the riot police.

“Individuals are actively discussing plans to attack a special [police] task force if necessary, leading to a full escalation of the situation. In order to neutralize the special task force and the police, the organizers of criminal rallies, in many cases without revealing the real intentions, instruct young people who have the urge to protest to bring easily inflammable substances to the Parliament, which will later be used in the so-called “Molotov cocktails” and use them for confrontation with law enforcement officers, at the same time they were given the task to secretly bring stones and iron batons to the rally,” – states SSSG.

The SSSG reiterates its accusations against the organization CANVAS and the training courses held by Peter Ackerman in Georgia, “the purpose of which was the so-called “Maidanization” and the provocation of events similar to the civil wars of the 90s in the country.”

“Individual politicians and radical organizers of the rally consider it necessary to paralyze Tbilisi’s traffic junctions, blockade-barricade of access roads to state institutions and strategic facilities, blockade of railways, the establishment of so-called tent cities on central avenues, blockade of bases of law enforcement agencies. The funds received from abroad are used for the implementation of the above-mentioned criminal plans, and according to them, in many cases they use cryptocurrencies to cover their tracks. At the end of April this year, training sessions were held in Georgia by foreign instructors on transactions related to cryptocurrency, where the organizers of the rally received instructions on how to secretly receive funds for radical actions,” – reads SSSG’s statement.

The SSSG also claims that protest organizers want law enforcement to shoot at protesters, which will cause panic and injuries to certain individuals, which will “increase the urge to protest and radicalization”.

“The special target of the aggression of the protest organizers are the employees of the law enforcement bodies. In order to demoralize and provoke them, methods related to the organization of so-called “colored revolutions” are used, such as threats, bribery, staging their moving to the side of the protesters, whose ultimate goal is to dismantle the state structures and overthrow the government by violent means,” – states SSSG.

The SSSG calls on the demonstrators not to follow the provocations and warns the organizers that “in case of the implementation of destructive plans, the law enforcement agencies will take immediate legal measures to prevent the escalation of events, to exclude riots, civil conflicts and to maintain peace in the country”.

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