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GD Chair Garibashvili Announces Visits in Regions, Slams Opposition

On February 15, the newly appointed Chair of the ruling “Georgian Dream” party, Irakli Garibashvili, in his first briefing in this position, announced visits to ten regions of Georgia within 100 days starting in March, as part of the pre-election campaign.

According to Garibashvili, the meetings will be held with representatives of the GD, leaders of regional organizations, party activists, as well as with the local population. Garibashvili said that the purpose of the meetings will be to see the needs of the local population on the ground, adding that the main goal of the ruling party is to prepare for “a decisive victory, a strong result in these elections.” In particular, he claimed that the GD will strive to form the constitutional majority in Parliament.

Irakli Garibashvili then congratulated the new Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on his appointment and wished his cabinet success.


The GD Chair’s answers to journalists’ questions were accompanied by habitual accusations against the opposition and praise for the GD government.

Opposition Capacity Assessment – When asked to assess the opposition’s chances and capacity in the light of the upcoming elections, Garibashvili interrupted the journalist by saying that “the opposition is planning for failure”. He openly claimed that all opposition parties are “satellites of the “United National Movement”. Garibashvili also addressed the Georgian people, saying that the political opposition is “the most anti-national, anti-Georgian phenomenon.” He blamed the opposition for the 2008 Russian-Georgian war and occupation.

Garibashvili said that none of the opposition parties or leaders are independent and that all of them “are the part of the United National Movement.” In this context, he mentioned specific parties and leaders, such as “Lelo” leader Mamuka Khazaradze, whom he called a “criminal”, the founder of opposition media TV Mtavari Nika Gvaramia, former UNM leader Nika Melia, and current UNM leader Levan Khabeishvili, claiming that all of them “serve the interests of [Mikheil] Saakashvili” and that they are “Saakashvili’s servants”.

Responding to Corruption Allegations – Garibashvili brushed off all corruption allegations linked to his name and personal environment saying: “This is a complete lie and demagogy” and “you [journalists] are lying to the society.”

Central Election Commission – Garibashvili said that the Central Election Commission (CEC) is “one of the most well-functioning organizations” and that “its work is absolutely transparent”. According to Garibashvili, any criticism of the opposition is speculation.

Fulfilling the EU’s 9 conditions – Garibashvili stressed that the “radical, extremist opposition was not involved in fulfilling the 12 recommendations” before candidate status was granted. He said that the opposition “did not want Georgia to get the candidate status”. Regarding the fulfillment of the nine conditions set out by the European Commission, Garibashvili said that the government clearly knows what it has to do to fulfill them.

Credits to Bidzina Ivanishvili, slamming the opposition yet again – Asked whether the ruling party has enough popular support to form a Constitutional majority, e.g. 113 seats, Garibashvili reiterated his firm position that GD indeed has it. He stressed that GD founder and Honorary Chairman “Bidzina Ivanishvili’s government has brought continuous peace, stability, economic development, prosperity, EU candidate status and real democracy to the country.”

He added that the second option available to the Georgian people is that of the UNM and the opposition parties, “which are stuck to it” and this will only “bring war” to the country. “Their goal was to open the second front, Ukrainization, destruction of the country,” – said Garibashvili, adding that the GD will not let it happen again.

Question about President Salome Zurabishvili – Garibashvili also denounced President Salome Zurabishvili, calling her a “traitor” and “an opposition force”. He said that Zurabishvili, “a woman who grew up in Europe,” has violated the Constitution many times and continues to do so. He noted that Zurabishvili’s rating was “only 1%” [prior to becoming a President] and that she became the President “thanks to the [GD] party and Bidzina Ivanishvili.

Government Decrees – When asked why no government decrees were published during his tenure, Garibashvili said that he “did not make any illegal decisions…that would contradict the interests of our country and our people.” He added that when someone asked for the information, the government would provide access to the decrees. “There was no obligation… It is not a mandatory rule,” – he said, noting that it was the government’s established practice. He then rhetorically asked the journalists whether they thought everything was transparent in the US and European countries.

On January 29, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili resigned. The leader of the Georgian Dream party, Irakli Kobakhidze, was nominated in his place. After a vote in the plenary session of the Parliament, where all ministers, including the Prime Minister, were officially appointed, the Parliament gave a vote of confidence to the new Government of Georgia.

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