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PM Garibashvili Visits Brussels, Meets Top NATO and EU Officials

Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili is visiting Brussels. He met today with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and European Council President Charles Michel.

Meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

At the joint press-conference prior to the meeting with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, the Prime Minister expressed strong appreciation for Allied support for Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, as well as for the unwavering support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He noted the strong track record of Georgia, as that of the one of the most reliable and capable partners of NATO and Georgia’s strong contribution to Euro-Atlantic peace and security, noting: “Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspiration remains our top foreign policy priority.” He also said that the war in Ukraine is a “huge challenge” for Georgia, the region and entire European security architecture.

Secretary General for its part said that Georgia is “one of NATO’s closest partners” and stressed that “Allies fully support Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” He further noted that Georgia can count on NATO’s continued political and practical support, calling for more active democratic reforms’ effort: “In turn, I count on Georgia to redouble efforts on domestic reforms, and uphold democratic standards.” He noted: “That is why I welcome the decision to withdraw the draft law on foreign influence which was incompatible with Euro-Atlantic values, and the protection of fundamental freedoms.” The Secretary General stressed that “the Georgian people made clear that they want democratic, prosperous country integrated into Euro-Atlantic region”.

He said that he will discuss with the Prime Minister the issues related to Georgia-NATO partnership and “how we can further strengthen it”, including through the cooperation in the framework of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package.

Jens Stoltenberg also noted: “We will also talk about Russia’s war of aggression, and the importance of standing by Ukraine”. He further stressed: “We know Russia’ aggression is toxic pattern that must be stopped once and for all, Georgian people understand this very well”. He further emphasized: “We expect all NATO partners to support this aim”.

Meeting with European Council President Charles Michel

According to the Government Administration the main topic discussed at the meeting of the Prime Minister with the President of the European Council was the process of Georgia’s accession to the EU. Irakli Garibashvili briefed Charles Michel on Georgia’s efforts towards fulfilling the European Commission’s 12 priorities and stressed the importance of granting of the EU membership candidate’s status to Georgia at the end of the year. According to the Prime Minister, a large part of the conditions has been met and highlighted the previous achievements on EU integration path under the current government. The sides also discussed the ongoing war in Ukraine and its impact on the region’s security environment.

European Council President in his tweet noted that Georgia’s future is in the EU, stressing that now more than ever, the implementation of EU’s key priorities is crucial. He also wrote that during his meeting with Garibashvili he stressed the need to deepen reforms in judiciary, rule of law and freedom of press. He also wrote that this is a historic opportunity for Georgia and EU “stands by Georgia every step of the way”.

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