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Kobakhidze Says EU, U.S. Ambassadors Need Better Legal Consultants

Ruling Georgian Dream party chair Irakli Kobakhidze has said EU Ambassador Carl Hartzell and U.S. Ambassador Kelly Degnan do need “appropriate legal consultants” and that “naturally, the ambassadors cannot analyze legal norms themselves.”

MP Kobakhidze made these remarks on Rustavi 2 TV, in reaction to the EU and U.S. Embassies slamming the Georgian Dream over backtracking on its pledge to introduce a 3/5 majority vote for electing the Prosecutor General in a first parliamentary reading earlier today.

The EU and U.S. statements are “regrettable” for different reasons, MP Kobakhidze noted, adding that “unfortunately, both embassies were given incorrect legal analyses.”

The ruling party chair also asserted that the proposed change over the selection of the chief prosecutor was a “legal nonsense,” which needed appropriate assessment, including by international partners.

“The proposed change would worsen existing norm, this is  two-times-two-equalling-four,” MP Kobakhidze asserted.

“Naturally, the Ambassadors cannot themselves analyze legal norms, they need correct consultants, but as it appears they were not given correct consultations,” he added.

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