TI-Georgia: Suggested Anti-Corruption Law Amendments Ignore Venice Commission Recommendations

According to Transparency International / TI-Georgia, a local corruption watchdog, the draft amendments to the Law on the Fight against Corruption “do not take into account critically important recommendations of the European Commission and the Venice Commission, in a number of ways worsen the existing regulations and raise questions about compliance with the Constitution.”

TI-Georgia says that the amendments fail to ensure the independence and political neutrality of the Anti-Corruption Bureau. It adds that the draft amendments do not consider giving the Bureau the function of investigating high-level corruption cases.

Moreover, TI-Georgia says that the proposed amendments in many cases consider the provisions, which have been present neither in the Venice Commission recommendations, nor in the European Commission steps. and worsen the current practice. The watchdog cites two examples in this regard:

TI-Georgia says that the existing draft amendments disregard crucial recommendations of the Venice Commission. Among the recommendations that are missing from the draft amendments are:

Accordingly, TI-Georgia warns that the adoption of the proposed version of the amendments will hinder Georgia’s European integration process, “as most of the steps set by the European Commission for Georgia will remain unfulfilled.”

TI-Georgia calls on the Georgian Parliament not to vote for these amendments and to prepare the new ones in accordance with the recommendations and conditions of the Venice Commission and the European Commission.

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