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Survey: Only a Third of Georgians Anticipate EU Candidacy to be Granted to Georgia

According to the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) Survey published by OC Media on November 7, only 33% of Georgians believe the country will be granted the EU candidacy status, while 45% of the population are skeptical, and the rest are unsure. The survey, which was conducted on October 4-8, also found a strong partisan divide: “Despite having less favorable perceptions of the EU, supporters of the ruling Georgian Dream party are significantly more likely to think Georgia will be granted candidate status than opposition supporters and people that do not support any party.” 

While opposition supporters demonstrate robust backing for EU integration, with 83% fully in favor and an additional 9% partially supportive, their optimism regarding Georgia’s chances of obtaining EU candidacy is tempered, with only 24% believing the country will achieve it. On the other hand, ruling Georgian Dream supporters hold higher expectations, with 47% expressing optimism. Nevertheless, the rate of EU integration support among this group is somewhat lower than that of the opposition, with 54% in full support and 31% partially supportive.

As per the survey findings, a majority of the Georgian-speaking population, amounting to 62 percent, express fully or mostly favorable views regarding Georgia’s membership in the EU. Additionally, 24 percent of this group offer partial support for EU membership, while 10 percent do not support it at all. The remaining three percent were either unsure or opted not to respond to the survey.

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