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EU, US, UK Sanctions Coordinators Meet Georgian Officials

EU Sanctions Envoy David O’Sullivan, Head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination at the US State Department James O’Brien, and Director General, Economics, Science and Technology at the UK Foreign Office, Kumar Iyer, met the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili, the Foreign Minister, Ilia Darchiasvhili, the Vice Prime Minister, Levan Davitashvili, the Prosecutor General, Irakli Shotadze, and the National Bank Governor, Natia Turnava. A meeting was also held with business community representatives.

Meeting with the Prime Minister

On June 27, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili met the visiting delegation. He welcomed the visit and highlighted its significance for enhancing cooperation. According to the official release, the meeting was primarily focused on implementing the financial sanctions imposed on Russia, and Georgia’s “effective work” to prevent sanctions evasion, in close collaboration with the US, UK, and the EU.

Prime Minister dedicated considerable attention to Georgia’s “unwavering support for Ukraine” in both political and humanitarian realms, the release reads.

Meeting with the Foreign Minister

EU, US, and UK sanctions officials met Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili. The parties emphasized that the visit would bolster Georgia’s continued and close cooperation with the relevant offices.

The Foreign Ministry release says the Minister reaffirmed Georgia’s readiness to safeguard the financial sanctions regime imposed on Russia. It further notes that the guests offered a “positive assessment of the ongoing cooperation with Georgia” in implementing financial sanctions. They expressed their readiness to maintain an active dialogue and continue the collaborative efforts.

The meeting also addressed the topic of Georgia’s accession to the European Union. FM Darchiashvili reiterated the country’s unwavering commitment to its European path, affirming the determination of both the population and the government to undertake the necessary reforms to advance toward the EU membership.

Meeting with the Minister of Economy

EU Sanctions Envoy, David O’Sullivan and US State Department’s Office of Sanctions Coordination Head, James O’Brien met with Georgia’s Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development and Vice Prime Minister Levan Davitashvili, according to a press release.

During the meeting, Vice Prime Minister Davitashvili emphasized Georgia’s commitment to EU membership and readiness for reforms. The delegation discussed Georgia’s support in implementing sanctions imposed by the US, EU, and Great Britain against Russia.

Davitashvili assured that Georgia strictly controls customs and financial operations to prevent sanctions evasion. He pledged assistance to partners in managing risks related to new sanctions. The Vice Prime Minister notes that positive feedback was received for Georgia’s cooperation in implementing the sanctions.

The meeting covered geopolitical situation, economic trends, challenges, and opportunities in the region. Davitashvili stressed the importance of close cooperation with EU, US, and UK to enhance trade relations, ensure effectiveness, and mitigate sanctions evasion risks, as mentioned in the press release.

Meeting with the Prosecutor General

EU, US, and UK sanctions officials met with Georgia’s Prosecutor General, Irakli Shotadze. During the meeting, Shotadze emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation with global partners to implement sanctions effectively. He also highlighted the significance of prioritizing the enforcement of international sanctions for the Prosecutor’s Office.

Shotadze briefed the delegation on the measures taken by the Prosecutor’s Office to combat sanctions evasion. Additionally, the parties discussed the office’s efforts in addressing the risks associated with potential circumvention of international sanctions, emphasizing the office’s successful functioning in such cases.

Meeting with the NBG Governor

The visiting officials also met with Natia Turnava, the Acting Governor, and First Vice Governor of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), along with representatives from the NBG. The focus of the discussion was on ensuring compliance with financial sanctions imposed by the United States, Great Britain, the European Union, and other countries on Russia due to its aggressive military actions in Ukraine.

The NBG representatives provided an overview of the consecutive steps taken to ensure strict adherence to the sanctions. They emphasized that international organizations have positively evaluated the NBG’s efforts in this regard. Quoting the US State Department’s report on Georgia’s investment climate, they highlighted that both the NBG and Georgian financial institutions fully comply with the sanctions imposed by the United States and other nations on Russia. They further emphasized that compliance with international financial sanctions is closely monitored through on-site inspections of financial institutions.

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