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PM Summarizes Visit to Moldova

Speaking to journalists on June 1, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili summarized the meetings held in Moldova’s capital Chisinau within the framework of the 2nd European Political Community (EPC) Summit, as well as the main issues of the roundtable discussion, and answered their questions on various topics.

Summarizing the Moldova visit

PM Garibashvili said that he had “very successful” and “very meaningful” meetings and discussions, the main topic of which was Ukraine and the Russia- Ukraine war, “which does not stop and nobody knows when it will end. This is the main challenge.” The Prime Minister stressed that during his participation in the thematic discussion, he reiterated that “unfortunately, after the [Russia-Georgia] August war of 2008, the world and the entire international community at that time did not pay due attention to this war, our war, which led to the occupation of 20% of our country,” after which “Russia deployed military bases on our territory.”

“I once again told our European colleagues that it was a mistake not to pay due attention to this occupation, the temporary occupation of the territory of our country. I also told them that, unfortunately, no one took the initiative to impose sanctions on Russia and to react seriously. It was a mistake and today we are reaping the consequences of this mistake. This is a problem,” Garibashvili said, adding that everyone agreed with him.

He noted that one of the main topics of the meetings held in Moldova was the granting of candidate status to Georgia. The Prime Minister told the European leaders that “our country is fully ready and by the end of June we will finish fulfilling all these priorities, and then it will be up to Europe to make a choice and say a final word.”

“I told them that in this extremely difficult geopolitical situation, the only correct political decision in Europe is to grant Georgia status, as was done in the case of Moldova and Ukraine,” he said, adding that “otherwise, it will be absolutely unclear to us, it will be another injustice and a huge strategic mistake. Our colleagues agree with me.”

When asked about the European leaders’ attitude towards granting Georgia the status, PM Garibashvili said: “I received a verbal promise from everyone I talked to, our European colleagues, friends, that they will support us when our issue is discussed. They recognize the progress we have made, they understand very well that our country is in a very difficult situation. I think it will be very difficult for any other opinion to prevail, because they understand this reality so well.”

“I think that everything will be very good, our main task is to maintain – and this was emphasized by everyone – that we managed to maintain – peace, stability, despite these challenges that exist in our country, and we are moving forward,” he said.

PM Garibashvili reiterated that it is the current government that has done something tangible on Georgia’s EU integration path. “If Europe and Europeans really want to see a minimized, reduced polarization, I told them that granting the status will automatically reduce, minimize the polarization in the country. This level will be automatically lowered. They heard this argument and I think they shared it.”

“I did not accuse NATO of starting the war”

Prime Minister Garibashvili also responded to his opponents’ criticism of his remarks that NATO enlargement was the reason for the start of the war in Ukraine. “I did not accuse NATO of starting the war; that is certainly absurd,” he said, adding that he did not say anything new other than what former and current European leaders have said.

In this context, he recalled the words of Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, who said shortly after the start of the war in Ukraine that the war “happened” because of Ukraine’s declared goal of becoming part of the “European family.” “I said it happened not because of NATO, but because of Ukraine’s desire [to join NATO], and everyone knows that very well.” “This is a classic example of how they distort the truth, reality,” he added.

“The main thing I want to say is that in such a situation, when our country is occupied, has its own challenges and has the declared goal of becoming a member of NATO and the European Union, it is very regrettable that the Prime Minister of this country is being accused with such frivolous accusations,” PM Garibashvili said, noting that he is not surprised by the very harmful, traitorous and anti-national forces of our country and the corrupt lobbyists hired by them.

He again criticized the former government for its failure to prevent the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war, saying: “I cannot accept any criticism from a power that could not prevent a war, lost territories, surrendered our territories to Russia, brought in [Russian] troops, legalized the occupation and then handed over the state energy infrastructure to Russian companies, opened the visa-free regime and granted a thousand privileges.”

The Prime Minister said that the Georgian Dream government is “the only force” that has done its utmost in the direction of Euro-Atlantic integration and “has brought tangible results” to the country. In this context, he mentioned the Association Agreement with the European Union, free trade, visa-free travel, the European perspective and the opening of the “joint NATO military base” in Georgia. The Prime Minister was apparently referring to the NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Center (JTEC) in Krtsanisi.

Response to President Zelensky’s remarks

Asked to comment on the remarks made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the opening of the 2nd European Political Community Summit, PM Garibashvili said that Zelensky had mentioned Georgia and Belarus in the same context when talking about attempts to involve the two countries in criminal and illegal activities.

“I cannot comment on this, this country is at war, and I do not want to give other people, our ill-wishers a basis for certain speculations,” PM Garibashvili said, adding: “It is regrettable that the statements of Zelensky and his government are often in full agreement with the hostile forces operating in our country, I mean the destructive opposition, which does nothing on the path to European integration for our country to win and receive the status.”

He also noted that he is deeply concerned about what is happening in Ukraine, “thousands of people are dying every day, infrastructure, cities are being destroyed. Children, women, the elderly, all have suffered and are suffering from this brutal war.” Irakli Garibashvili once again wished Ukraine “peace, a quick end to this war and the reunification of the country.”

“We control almost 600km of our border with Russia”

In response to the criticism of his remarks about Georgia’s border with Russia, the Prime Minister clarified: “We all know very well that the controlled border of our country is almost 600 kilometers long, and the uncontrolled border is up to 300 kilometers.” He added that the current government is doing its best to “regain these 300 kilometers and make the reunification of our country a reality, as well as to achieve de-occupation by peaceful means.”

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