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OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Foreign Minister of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani Visits Georgia

On 10-11 April, during an official visit to Georgia, the Foreign Minister of North Macedonia and the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Bujar Osmani, met with the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, the Prime Minister, Irakli Garibashvili, the Georgian Foreign Minister, Ilia Darchiashvili, the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality, Tea Akhvlediani, and the Speaker of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, as well as with the CSOs representatives.

Meeting with the President

According to the President’s Office, during the meeting, the war in Ukraine was discussed as a challenge to the security of the region and Europe, and the importance of peace in the Caucasus region was stressed. The sides also discussed the situation in the occupied territories of Georgia. The President of Georgia briefed the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on the human rights and humanitarian situation in the occupied territories of Georgia and thanked the OSCE for the fruitful co-operation, for the support that the OSCE provides in strengthening democracy, and carrying out essential reforms important for Georgia’s European integration process, especially now that the country is awaiting its candidacy.

Following the meeting Osmani tweeted “OSCE will continue to support Georgia and work to strengthen our cooperation”.

Meeting with the Prime Minister

According to the Government of Georgia, On April 11 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia and OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Bujar Osmani, met with the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili. The sides discussed current international cooperation issues and Georgia’s advancements towards European integration.

At the meeting, the parties expressed readiness to deepen cooperation between the countries. They emphasized the importance of the Minister’s visit during the OSCE chairmanship and discussed the situation in Georgia’s occupied territories. Garibashvili thanked Mr. Osmani for supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while also welcoming North Macedonia’s OSCE chairmanship priorities.

In a tweet posted after the meeting, Bujar Osmani urged Tbilisi to remain actively engaged and pragmatic in addressing core issues on the GID agenda. He also emphasized the importance of utilizing all available channels for dialogue, including the IPRM and beyond.

Meeting with Georgia’s Foreign Minister

The North Macedonian top diplomat also met with Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili. According to the Georgian Foreign Ministry, at the Foreign Ministers’ meeting “topical issues of international co-operation with the OSCE Chairmanship were discussed and it was noted that Georgia will continue fruitful co-operation in all three dimensions of the OSCE”.

“I would like to express Georgia’s support for the priorities of the Chairmanship and note that we are ready to support the OSCE Chairmanship in implementing an approach focused on the needs and interests of people, especially those affected by war and conflict” – said Ilia Darchiashvili at the joint press conference following the meeting.

He noted that Georgia appreciated North Macedonia’s readiness to promote the peaceful settlement of conflicts in the OSCE area and to place this issue high on the agenda of the OSCE Chairmanship.

According to Darchiashvili, during the meeting the sides discussed the Russia-Georgia conflict and the situation in the occupied regions from the security, human rights and humanitarian points of view. He thanked North Macedonia for its support of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in various OSCE formats and for its policy of non-recognition with regard to the occupied territories of Georgia.

The Georgian Foreign Minister also briefed his colleague on Georgia’s actions in support of Ukraine within the OSCE. The current situation in the South Caucasus region was also discussed.

The meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries “also touched upon the progress made by Georgia on the road to European integration and the importance of sharing North Macedonia’s experience in this direction…”.

Bujar Osmani stressed that “OSCE supports all pragmatic approaches with aim to provide real results for the people. We will continue to actively engage displaced, conflict-affected women and youth.”

Meeting with the State Minister

According to the Office of the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civil Equality, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office met with State Minister Tea Akhvlediani. She briefed Mr. Osmani on the security, humanitarian and human rights situation in the occupied regions of Georgia, thanked him for his firm support of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, and underscored the importance of the OSCE’s active involvement and role in the peaceful settlement of the conflict, including through its co-chairmanship of the international negotiations in Geneva.

The State Minister’s office reported that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia reiterated the OSCE’s firm stance on Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. The Minister promised full support to the Georgian side in the peace process.

Following the meeting, Bujar Osmani tweeted that the OSCE values all necessary initiatives for a peaceful and sustainable conflict resolution. “We must continue exploring the path forward to peace and deal with the past.” – he added.

Meeting with the Chairman of the Parliament

Mr. Osmani also met with the Chairman of the Georgian Parliament, who thanked him for the support that OSCE renders to Georgia in this geopolitically complicated period.

According to the Georgian Parliament, the Speaker discussed Georgia’s support for Ukraine and the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the region. Mr. Osmani expressed his gratitude for Georgia’s active involvement in OSCE activities, stressing that Georgia is a hub of regional initiatives and support for multifaceted diplomacy.

The Parties discussed the grave situation in the occupied regions of Georgia and reaffirmed the importance of the continuity of the Geneva International Discussions. The sides discussed Georgia’s European integration; Mr Osmani noted that North Macedonia is committed to sharing its European integration experience with Georgia.

Meeting with CSOs

The OSCE Chairman-in-Office also met with representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs). During the meeting, he emphasized the crucial role of CSOs in promoting democracy, advancing human rights, ensuring freedom of the media and resolving issues related to national minorities. In addition, the discussion focused on the involvement of CSOs in local policy-making. The Chairperson reiterated the OSCE’s commitment to supporting local partners.

Visit to the Administrative Boundary Line

On April 11, the European Union Monitoring Mission hosted the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Bujar Osmani and the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Viorel Moşanu on a visit to the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) near Odzisi.

The EUMM briefed the delegation on recent security and humanitarian developments along the ABL, emphasizing “borderization” activities and the closure of the Odzisi crossing point. Mr. Osmani addressed the plight of Odzisi natives, who cannot visit relatives and friends, use agricultural land, or access religious facilities. He stated: “This situation is regrettable and unacceptable in the 21st century” and added: “It is contrary to the basic principles of the OSCE.”

Furthermore, Mr. Osmani thanked the EUMM for its contribution to stability in Georgia and the region as the only international monitoring presence on the ground. Following his trip to Odzisi, Bujar Osmani also toured the settlement of internally displaced persons in Tserovani.

This article was updated on April 11 at 17:45


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