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Georgia in European Parliament’s Annual Reports on Common Foreign and Security, Defense Policies

The European Parliament (EP) adopted on January 20 resolutions on the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), as well as of the Common Security and Defense Policy, both containing references to Georgia.

The CFSP resolution calls on Moscow to “cease its occupation of the Georgian territories of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia,” and to halt “the de-facto integration of both regions into the Russian administration.”

The document stresses the importance of the EU’s commitment to support its partners sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within their internationally recognized borders, while expressing concern over Russia’s “ongoing de-facto occupation” of territories belonging to Georgia and Ukraine.

Highlighting Russia’s “negative role in several frozen conflicts,” including in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the CFSP report “underlines the need for the EU to step up its action in the peaceful resolution of so-called frozen conflicts,” as well as “to increase support for conflict-affected civilians, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees.”

The CSDP resolution, on its part, decries continued occupation of “large parts of Ukraine and Georgia in violation of international law” by Russia’s military forces.

It also expresses concern over “the unprecedented scale” of Kremlin-sponsored disinformation campaigns in the Eastern Neighborhood.


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