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Int’l Community Condemns Russian ‘Borderizarion’ in Georgia

The United States Department of State Spokesperson, Morgan Ortagus stated that the U.S. condemns ongoing “borderization” by Russian-led security forces in Georgia. 

“We renew our demand that Russia end its occupation of 20 percent of Georgia, fulfill its 2008 commitments, withdraw its forces, and allow unimpeded delivery of international humanitarian assistance,” Ortagus wrote on Twitter on May 29 [Tbilisi time].

Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, Tomáš Petříček, also stated on May 29 that “the steps taken by the de facto office holders in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as Russia, undermine stability in the region.”

“It is loathsome that ‘borderization’ and other illegal activities continue despite COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.

In the meantime, at the OSCE Permanent Council on May 28, the Georgian delegation spoke of Russia’s “increased provocations” against Georgia, including continued “borderization” along the occupation line, as well as the “loss of lives and humanitarian consequences of the closure of crossing points.”

In their remarks at the OSCE PC, the delegations of the U.S., UK, and Lithuania backed Georgia, denouncing Russia’s illegal activities in the country.

Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the OSCE said Russia’s “borderization” activities in Georgia “are nothing but provocations and must stop.”

The UK Delegation also reiterated concern about continuing “borderization” activities in Georgia, adding that the UK “remains unwavering” in its support for Georgia’s ‘s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In his address to the OSCE PC, U.S. Ambassador James S. Gilmore III said the United States is “deeply troubled by reports that Russia-backed entities are continuing their intensified operation of ‘borderization’ in 12 villages” along the occupation line of the Russia-occupied Georgian territories, most recently in Mereti village on May 21.

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