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Trump: Georgia, U.S. ‘Share Common Values’

President Donald Trump sent a congratulatory note to President Giorgi Margvelashvili over the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Georgia and the United States.

“I extend to you and the Georgian people my warmest wishes and sincere appreciation for our longstanding friendship and cooperation,” the letter reads.

“In the first quarter century of our partnership, the United States and Georgia have established a strong trans-Atlantic bond. We share common values, and have stood together under difficult circumstances to defend those values against international terrorism and regional instability,” it also said.

The U.S. President added that the country supports sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. “We also support Georgia’s right to chart its own future. Georgian independence and democracy remain an inspiration to the world.”

“My administration and I look forward to future collaboration with you and the Georgian government to advance the shared values and prosperity of our two countries,” President Trump concluded.


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