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MEP Viola von Cramon Claims Justice Ministry Ignored Request to Visit Imprisoned Nika Gvaramia

MEP Viola von Cramon-Taubadel (The Greens/EFA, Germany), who visited Georgia for the 6th Tbilisi International Conference titled “Slava Ukraini – Glory to Ukraine,” released a critical tweet on 7 September in which she stated that when she addressed the Ministry of Justice with a request to visit imprisoned opposition Mtavari Arkhi TV chief Nika Gvaramia “for transparency,” she received no reply.

“Independence of the judiciary in Georgia is a top requirement in the 12 points,” MEP von Cramon emphasized. “Regardless of what you think of Gvaramia as a person, he is an example of the broken judiciary in Georgia.”

Meanwhile, MEP Anna Fotyga (ECR, Poland), who was in Tbilisi to attend the same conference, revealed on 4 September that she was, once again, denied a visit with imprisoned ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili.

She stated that instead, she met with Saakashvili’s mother, Giuli Alasania, and his friend, Giorgi Chaladze, to get first-hand knowledge about his situation. “I remain impressed by their courage and resolve,” MEP Fotyga underscored. has gotten in touch with the Ministry of Justice for comment. We will update you with their statement as soon as we have it.

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