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Georgia Pledges Peaceful De-occupation

Ruling Georgian Dream party chair Irakli Kobakhidze said today the Government remains committed to its policy of peaceful de-occupation and will “stand against every provocation aimed at escalating a new military confrontation with our Abkhaz and Ossetian brothers and sisters.”

“Any war in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali will not only be a war between Georgians and Russian occupying forces, but also a war between Georgians and the Abkhaz, Georgians and Ossetians,” the governing party leader asserted.

“A new fratricidal war will be the greatest, an unforgivable crime in the history of our country, which we will not allow to [happen] again,” he added.

Alluding to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, MP Kobakhidze argued that if the “current severe situation creates any windows of opportunity in this regard,” it would be the possibility for Georgia to aid the residents of occupied regions in dealing with exacerbated social issues.

He further claimed that the United National Movement party, GD’s arch-rival, aims to “drag Georgia into the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine and open a second frontline” in the country.

In the GD chair’s opinion, this was demonstrated by a UNM delegation’s recent trip to Kyiv, after which “top officials of the Ukrainian Government openly started discussing opening the second frontline in Georgia and the feasibility of bringing the war in Ukraine to Georgia.”

“The statement of Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security Council was the key example of this,” GD’s Kobakhidze claimed.

Danilov was cited by Ukrainian media as saying on March 26 that it would be helpful for Ukraine if “additional war fronts begin emerging for the Russian Federation, made possible due to its actions in the recent past.”

The Ukrainian official also argued that if Moldova and Georgia and others “engaged in returning their territories… it would definitely help us because [Russia] would have something else to do besides destroying our towns and villages, and killing our children and women.”

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